Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I need to be better about articulating my feelings-sad, happy and mad aren't cutting it any longer. So I have included a list of common emotions (thanks to Wikipedia) that I plan on referring to often. Should you like to suggest one that is not listed here, please feel free.

Acceptance, Agitation, Alarm, Amusement, Anger, Angst, Annoyance, Anticipation, Apprehension, Apathy, Awe
Bitterness, Boredom
Calmness, Comfort, Contentment, Confidence, Courage
Depression, Disappointment, Discontentment, Disgust, Desire, Delight.
Elation or Euphoria, Embarrassment, Ennui, Envy, Ecstasy
Fear, Friendship, Frustration,
Glee, Gladness, Gratitude, Grief, Guilt
Hate, Happiness, Homesickness, Honor, Hope, Horror, Humility
Impatience, Irritability
Joy, Jealousy,
Loneliness, Love, Lust, Limerence
Nervousness, Negativity, Nostalgia
Pain, Patience, Peace, Phobia, Pity, Pride
Rage, Regret, Remorse, Resentment
Sadness, Schadenfreude, Self-pity, Shame, Shyness, Sorrow, Shock, Suffering, Surprise, Suspense


tali said...

Sometimes I feel shitty, that might be worth an add. Don't know what Wikipedia will have to say about that, though . . .

Darwinsgirl said...

Tali--Shitty-defined as a feeling over all crapiness. Characterized by a sourpuss face and a down turned smile.

Yup-I can familiarize with this comment and have thereby added it to my list.