The test is put under the big header of the AFP test, but it is really 4 tests and they called it a Quad Screening. It involves 2 blood draws at different stages in the pregnancy, and an Ultrasound. Then they combine all of the results together to give you the odds of having a baby with a life threatening disease. The test is a screening test, but if the odds are high enough, you can opt for an Amnio to make a firm determination.
The US was exciting for me, even though they were looking for something serious. The baby wasn't cooperating and it took them a LONG time to measure the nuchal fold. But, that gave me more time to gaze at my baby on the screen. The babe was moving around a ton, turning and moving its arms and legs. It was very exciting to see.
I tried to talk the technician into telling me the sex, but she said she couldn't tell...and she said she doesn't like to be wrong. So, we will wait another 6 or 8 weeks until we can find out.
The baby is measuring exactly on schedule. All tests were negative so far (CF, Tay-Sachs, etc.), and our odds were so slim that the perinatolgist said not to worry at all.
Our next appointment isn't for a few weeks, so I can relax and enjoying my growing belly for a bit.
Hooray for all signs pointing to a healthy baby!
we actually had that test with Lex. weird that you didnt have it with E considering they were born 2 days apart!!!
Congratulations!! I had that test with both my kids and was able to decline the amnio in both cases when the nuchal results came back with good numbers.
Sorry they couldn't get a good look between the legs. I'm sure you'll get a level 2 u/s at 20 weeks and get another good look at the baby.
I am glad everything is looking good for you!!
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