Thursday, June 7, 2007


I saw this here and thought it would be fun to try.

I know – that I want to learn more
I believe –in myself and the innate goodness of others
I fought –to be unlike my family
I am angered –by irrational people and decisions
I love –my husband
I need –too much attention
I take –and don't give often enough
I hear -what I want
I drink –too much coffee
I hate –this word
I use –too many natural resources
I want –to be thinner
I decided –a long time ago not to regret
I like –warm sunny days
I feel –lucky
I wear -sensible shoes
I left –home when I was 14
I do – stress too much over things I cant control
I hope –my son is healthy and happy
I dream –of his arrival
I drive –too fast
I listen –to whatever music my hubby plays
I type -as a preferred method of communication
I think –and rethink things before making decisions
I need –to learn to be more patient
I wish –i had a more honest, close relationship with my parents
I am –sensitive
I compensate – by avoidance
I regret –nothing
I care –about being understood
I should -eat better and exercise more
I am not always –at peace with myself or my decisions
I said –some things I wish I could take back
I wonder –about my future and what it holds
I changed –my mind about not wanting a family
I cry –when my feelings are hurt, or I feel taken advantage of
I am not –passive
I lose –my temper with our animals (too often)
I leave –things unsaid when they are too hard to say

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