Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dear Nana

Dear Nana,

Thanks for the rad tank top from the motorcycle rally you attended a few weeks ago. I get many comments on the "my grandma's a biker and so am I" logo on the front. I thought you would get a kick out of this picture.

I love you.

Lil E

People's Food Co-op

I finally ventured to our local food co-op. The location of the co-op has biased me since its in a community I don't care for. I have been struggling trying to balance our households food needs. I go to 4 different stores to get all of the items I need.

Costco for soy milk, 2.5 gallon jugs of water, and too many other things I don't need.
Whole Foods for spelt bread, tortillas, hot dog and hamburger buns. They sell the best ones.
Trader Joe's for nuts, kosher meats, and the rest of my groceries.
Target or the grocery store for diapers and incidentals.

It is mentally exhausting. But more importantly, I end up spending alot of time reading labels and price shopping. HFCS, artificial sugars, pesticides, refined grains, low fiber, saturated fats, highly processed, trans fats. You could drive yourself crazy worrying about the food you ingest. I certainly do.

What I didn't realize before, and am kicking myself about now is that the food co-op does the thinking for me (of course this isn't always a good thing). But, at least someone has put some serious thought and consideration into every item they put on their shelves. The time savings of knowing that I don't need to investigate each product is a big relief for me.

So, starting this week I am going to make my first official shopping trip. I will let you know the verdict.

Toddler notes

I have so many things to report about my little toddler. I want to be certain to get all the details before they escape my memory.

He is an amazingly curious kid full of energy and smiles. He loves animals, the zoo, being outside, watching birds and chasing our cat and dog. He loves to try to pull our cats tail while he is chirping 'words' at her. The dog runs in the opposite direction as soon as Lil E even looks at him. He can identify the sounds that a cow, cat, dog, duck, sheep and goat make when we look at their respective pictures.

His favorite activity is being thrown in the air or being chased by his Dada. He loves daredevil activities and squeals and giggles with delight when he is scared. When he is around his friends at daycare the provider says he is reserved and more of an observer--she says he watches the kids from the outside before joining in with play. But, as time goes on he is tries more and more to keep up.

Lil E is a great eater-he will try most things we offer to him. Today he tried garlic hummus-he's not a big fan. He eats most fruits and veggies we serve him. Although lately, he has started to throw them off his high chair tray. He can even find the smallest piece of broccoli hidden under a piece of cheese and pick it out. The dog is eating well.

His first word aside from Momma and Dadda was-uh-oh. He says a few additional words-bye bye, moo, pop, book, woof woof, meow, buppy (that is what we call the dog) and baaa. He knows a handful of signs-milk, eat, more, all done, bath, bird, cat, fan, book, shoes, pacifier, brush hair and teeth, and flower. What more would a toddler need?

At his 12 month visit he got a great review. 31.5 inches long 90-95% and 24.15 lbs 80%. He is cruising around and using his walker toys non-stop. But, he hasn't ventured a step alone yet. He seems to be a tentative developer--I don't so much wish him to grow up faster...but, my arms and back are kinda tired from carrying him so much!

Family Challenge--results

Hubby and I won the family challenge-kinda. We lost the most weight-I lost 7 pounds, but we (and by we I mean hubby) forgot to bring the scale to his parents house.

This was a good thing for the other family members ** you know who you are ** that didnt lose any weight, or in some case may have gained some weight thanks to the Las Vegas buffets.

This was a personal test for me. Often times when a challenge arises I intentionally sabotage myself. I think the heart of the problem fear and the possibility of trying and failing. My flawed logic in my head is if I dont try-then I cant lose. But, if I do try and lose then I will feel bad about myself. So, just dont try and act like I dont care.

Well, this time I did try and I did care. And I won (in my mind anyway)! Yeah for me. Now, if only I would have collected on the $50 prize!!!