Thursday, December 10, 2009
Too much of a good thing
But, since I have been here before...I wasnt shocked. Just very wet.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Post-Pregnancy Brain
Yesterday I threw a pair of socks into the trash can instead of the dirty clothes.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Daily update
Spencer's First peds appt was uneventful. We go back for a 2 month visit.
Spencer opened his eyes big and wide today-his eyes are dark slate blue. I suspect they will turn brown over time. He is becoming more alert and stays awake for longer periods of time. But overall sleeps a lot still. For the past 2 nights he has slept with me all or part of the night. I never felt comfortable sleeping with E. Perhaps because I was medicated post C-Section and my mobility was poor. Or perhaps I am just more confident this go-round, I don't know. But it has afforded us better sleep-for which I am appreciative.
Elliott is adjusting. He doesn't want to hold or touch Spencer. But isn't angry or hurtful to him either. We are trying to give Elliott that same amount of attention but of course that is near impossible. With both of us home it has been great-but when hubby goes back to work I suspect E will have it twice as hard. E loves spending time with Dad and will be sad when he goes having to share my time with S will be even more difficult for him. I should have some fun things planned for him that will also be easy on me. Maybe Gymboree classes or something like it.
I consider myself a good planner but this transition after hubby goes back to work will be difficult. Throw Christmas in the mix and I for sure will be tapped out.
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Day one and two at home
We had a super relaxing transition home, ordered take out and went to bed early. The night was rough as Spencer didn't sleep until 2am but we slept from 2-5 great!
Other things to report-
My milk came in today!
My heartburn is almost gone.
The bloody toothbrush is gone.
The swollen gums are gone.
I lost 17.5 lbs since my last midwife visit.
Squating to pee is a lot easier than sitting and the urine avoids my stitches. Thank you Stroller Strides for making me do all those squats.
My wonderful husband bought me the most awesome "push prize". It arrived via UPS last night with perfect timing-its a Tiffany key and it balances out my charm necklace perfectly!
We put up our tree and Hubby and E put up light.
More soon and photo's.
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Monday, November 30, 2009
11-28-09 updates on birth
3:30pm almost 10 cm dilated past zero station
3:45pm epidural is awesome and knowing what is coming- -I manage to nap for 20 minutes. Time/progress is slowing, I suspect allowing me to gather the energy for the next stage.
4:45pm full 10cm dialated and began light pushing. The 3 hour push time limit begins.
5:30pm they suggest and do drop the epi dose hoping to assist with more effective pushing. The thought being if I could feel more I would be more inclined and able to push. They went from a 16 down to 4 on the epi.
6:00-6:30pm My Midwife leaves to check on her other laboring patients and the epi is almost off. The pain is now back to being intense and causing me distress, anxiety and panic. They keep having me change positions to try and relieve some of the pain, but manage to loose the babies HR . It is also causing me exceeding discomfort. I start vomiting and they give me zofran. Panic ensues-my blood pressure drops, I have a low grade fever (100.7), and the room floods with docs trying to determine the cause of the problems. They even started to suspect the cord being wrapped around him. There was a lot of commotion and whispering.
6:45pm My midwife returns and I insist on being in a comfortable position for me. They also up the epi again and relief is almost instant. We resume our normal pushing pattern and are making progress again. But because of the scare we are being monitored by the MD's and are on a tight time limit-we are approaching our 3 hours.
7:00pm Things are back in swing-I am energized and pushing well.
7:45pm Docs visit again ready to call time on me but instead see my sons head and my effective pushing. Go me!
8:01pm Spencer is born! Laid on my chest where he promptly poops all over me. The cord is left to pulse. And we start our bonding. His apgars were 7 and 8. He got a slow start with crying and took a few minutes to pink up but quickly found his way. The placenta is birthed and the cord is later cut. All is well in my world.
Later the midwife, who is doubtful, but wants to be safe indicates I may have contracted chorioamnioitis from being ruptured for so long and the labor taking a while. They put me on 2 IV antibiotics and Spencer gets tested too.
We are both fine and recovering well. Photos and updates soon! Xoxoxoxo
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Sunday, November 29, 2009
11-28-09 1:45pm update
I started to cry - I feel nervous and excited and worried - all in the same breath.
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Epidurals rock
When the shift changed and a new midwife came on board she suggested, rather than start me on pitocin or an enema or castor oil, to sweep my membranes again and break any bag of water left. She also checked my cervix and I was 3cm-that was around 9:45am.
Very soon thereafter I began having contractions-strong ones with hardly a break in between. Hubby made me keep standing and walking and I was getting pissed. I broke out in tears several times and by 10:30am I was ready for an epidural.
We agreed that I would wait till 11am and hope that I had dilated more. At 11am I was 4cm and really in a lot of pain. I asked for the epi.
Holy shit-why people labor without one is beyond me. It was painless to administer and I feel awesome.
My contractions are steady and progressing nicely. Its 1pm and the initial pain meds should be easing off and the epi itself kicking over. Then I should start to feel more of the contractions and less numb.
More details soon-hopefully the next update is news of a baby. But I suspect I have a bit of time.
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3 am update
Positive test on my water breaking-duh! ... And the 24 timer now starts. Already I feel anxious and under the gun to get my contractions moving and active.
Getting the IV was horrible. She poked around my right arm for a long while and didn't get it in. Then I needed a break because I thought I might vomit. Which I didnt-phew. Then a different nurse worked on the other side. It still feels uncomfortable. I hate needles and being prodded painfully.
If the contractions don't progress and cause cervical changes by 8 or 9 am then the midwife suggests taking castor oil or an enema. Or if I decline those I can start on pitocin.
So far the contractions are totally tolerable and about 3 minutes apart. It feels like a gradual tightening of my lower abdomen. They are steadily getting stronger the less anxiety I feel. My digestive system is still purging and I feel nauseas. Even as I am typing they are getting more frequent and harder.
Spencer is moving around fine and his heart rate is great. I feel a huge amount of love for Elliott right now-hormones? We had the best week together and compared with the 2 weeks prior-i am very grateful for that time. I feel like we really bonded and were able to reconnect.
Jeff is trying to nap while he can, and I am enjoying my hour in between the fetal monitoring to be alone with my contractions and anxiety.
The irony in all of this is that the day before I went into labor with Elliott I ate at CPK for lunch. Tonight, before we went to the Del Mar Festival of Lights we also ate at CPK. We never eat at CPK. Today is also my BFF's daughters first birthday...will they share the day?
When we arrived home tonight I started to feel some mild contractions and felt compelled to show my MIL all the things she would need to know around the house and regarding Elliott. Then we went to bed early. I got 3 great hours of sleep and here we are.
I am ready to welcome this boy into the world. Bring it on. More soon.
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Friday, November 27, 2009
Either I just wet my pants or my water just broke
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
39 weeks 3 days
She swept my membranes again which while uncomfortable was not nearly as painful as the first time. And there wasn't any cramping this go round.
His head isn't engaged which isn't ideal as that was part of the problem with Elliott, but she thought labor would fix that. She will let me go to 41 weeks and then suggests breaking my water so that I don't end up in OB care (42 wks) where they give pitocin straightaway...and with pitocin the risk of uterine rupture for VBAC candidates increases from one to four percent.
More waiting. I hope the kid holds off till Friday now that we are so close to Thanksgiving as I have a yummy dinner planned.
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Monday, November 23, 2009
Nothing to report
Nothing new to report. Pressure, heaviness, light cramps, more digestive track emptying, the bloody show is more like mucous again and of course hemi's... The sucky part of all of this is that my lady parts are sore and I haven't even pushed a kid out yet. Epidural please!
Do I get my membranes swept again tomorrow or just let nature take its course?
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Please dont ask, there is nothing to report
We are trying to enjoy our family of 3 during these last few hours or days. All of my commitments and obligations have been fulfilled. There is nothing left but to welcome this baby into the world. I even got a good night of sleep last in preparation.
I promise to text everyone when it happens. And, I am updating the blog regularly with details.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It was a movie kind of night
Friday, November 20, 2009
Am I having a baby or going to the movies tonight...?
The beginning of the end
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
38 weeks 3 days
I also had an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid levels and a few other factors. Again all is normal. It was great to see him on screen again and take a look at all his parts. The nurse was even able to point out that he had a lot of hair--WOW!
After the NST, I had my midwife appointment. She measured, poked and prodded. She thought that perhaps this baby would be smaller than Elliott--for which I am grateful. Although measuring the babe's weight in utero is highly inaccurate and more speculation that anything.
She offered to check my cervix and I am 2 cm dilated. I am also 75% effaced and my cervix is soft. Since all things were in order, she offered to sweep my membranes, which I happily accepted! If she hadn't offered I would have asked as I am ready to move forward and have this baby. What I wasn't expecting though was how painful the process would be! And the post cramping was horrible. It has been 6 hours though and I already feel much better. Here is hoping that it actually brings labor on.
I am not nervous about labor or delivery--I am actually anxious and excited to get it started. I feel confident this time around about what to expect and what my body is capable of. I feel ready to have my body back, and will do what it takes to ensure that it is soon. My other motivation is our hospitals new visitation policy due to the H1N1 virus--no children under 16 can visit at all. So, I need to get in and out of the hospital fast so I can be with my boys. I also know that I will be asking for an epidural this time around. The fact that I feel confident enough this time around to ask for what I want/need is a change for me. It is empowering.
I need to pack my hospital bag just in case it happens quickly. I also would like to clear my digestive track out and possibly make some additional room. Plus, perhaps a few days of relief for my hemorrhoids would help when the pushing parts happen. So, in preparation I gave myself a glycerin suppository, but it didn't really do much...that isn't a good sign. There is always tomorrow.
My next appointment is a week from today and is more of the same--NST, Ultrasound, and Midwife appt. But, hopefully I wouldn't be needing any additional appointment. Elliott was early--and I am hoping this one will be too!
Lots of pelvic pressure, lower back pain, braxton hicks like crazy, and a Mom that is ready. Wish me luck!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The home stretch!!!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
34 weeks and a Potty training update
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Milestones and updates
They all suggested the same thing. Once its time to go to bed--the child needs to stay there. No exceptions. So, we reestablished the rules of staying in bed (with the help of our daycare provider). Then, if he got out once, I took a stuffed animal away. If he got out again, I put him in his pack-n-play to sleep. Needless to say--he hated being confined to the pack-n-play and after a couple of days in there, he was back on schedule.
But, then on top of the nap strike-- he wouldn't go to bed without kicking and screaming, crying and fighting. He was sleep deprived and was getting up in the mornings around 5 or 5:30am. Elliott is the classic kid where sleep begets sleep--the more sleep he gets, the happier he is, and the longer he naps and sleeps in. If his naps get cut short, or we get out of our routine for to many days--he starts to wake early, nap short, and get very cranky.
We moved his bedtime to 8pm, reestablished the naps and the bedtimes solved themselves. During the sleepless weeks, hubby thought it would be a good time to kick the Pacifier habit as well. His logic was--as long as none of us were sleeping, we might as well bite the bullet and make the the change. The last time we tried to get rid of the paci--none of us slept and one of us was traumatized. This time it was an easy transition, and we haven't looked back. There was hardly any talk of its absence. WooT! Three cheers for something good coming out of 2 weeks of struggle!
While both the hubby and I are careful planners with some things...others things we are more whimsical about. Deciding that NOW was the time to start potty training/learning was one of those whims for me. Let me explain--we have been practicing the potty for about 4 months. Sometimes he would use it while other times he declined. The challenge was that he would only pee standing up--which was a mess to say the least. Monday, after I picked him up from daycare I decided that we should start training him the next day. I put all the diapers away, moved the changing table mat to our bedroom in prep for baby #2, and repacked the diaper bags with pull ups and changes of clothes.
Tuesday morning we told Elliott what to expect, put a pull up on him, and set the timer for 35 minute intervals. We also went and bought a new potty chair because ours sucked. I LOVE the new chair because it is easy to clean, sturdy, and he actually will sit on this one. Elliott seams to like it because he can sit easily on it and not spray pee all over the place and he can empty to bowl into the big potty. So, we have established a sitting only rule for the potty--and have had great success these last 2 days. We have handed out many stickers and M and M's, cleaned up a few messes from diaper free time and my back is killing me from leaning over and squatting in the bathroom. But, today he pooped in the potty for the first time; which I think took him by surprise because he looked totally shocked when he saw what was in the bowl. And he seemed kinda nervous about what had just happened. We also have taken him into public restrooms to pee yesterday and today and he seems fine with using public bathrooms. Although I am still learning the best way to handle his penis spraying pee all of the place...All and all I think we are well on our way.
Nothing new to report on the pregnancy front--32 week appointment was uneventful. Baby #2 is doing fine, he was head down yesterday as far as she could tell, his heart rate is normal. In 2 weeks I go back and if the midwife isn't 100% certain of his position--she will do a quick ultrasound to confirm. I told her that I was certain he can still move around as sometimes he has the hiccups and I can feel them in my ribs and sometimes I feel them in my pelvis.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The emotionless pregnancy update
I am also slighly anemic. Iron levels should be greater than 10, and mine are around 11. She recommended taking a liquid Iron supplement that is easy on the tummy and doesn't cause additional constipation. I will try eating more Iron Rich foods first since the supplement is $30 for a small bottle. I do wonder if the slight anemia isn't the reason why I have fallen asleep reading my son books a couple of times. I chalked it up to general pregnancy fatigue.
The kiddo is still in the breech position. We still have several weeks before any action needs to be taken or decisions made. But, I suspect that he will be staying in this spot. Which, BTW, is painful. Every time this kid moves it feels like my innards are going to be punctured. I feel like he could just poke his foot out of my vagina (or worse, use your imagination)--it is that close and odd feeling. And this kid moves ALL THE TIME.
I actually am having some real anxiety about the energy levels of this kid. I keep hearing that children's behavior in utero is an indication of their energy levels later. If that is the case, then I am in for a seriously HIGH energy child. I know that I am being preemptive as well as paranoid. But, Elliott was and still is a chill kiddo, and we are grateful each and every day for it. The hubby and I joked (we don't joke any longer--now we look grim with despair) that our second kid would be a ball of energy coupled with an irrational/emotional streak. More on that later of course.
Other than that, all is well. According to the scale I didn't gain any weight. But again, it was a different scale. I was able to get a flu shot, and the H1N1 vaccine will be available in October (for which I will qualify because I am prego). Elliott is doing fantastic. He is a wonderful person to be around, and I am trying to savor each day we get to spend with one another before our second son is born.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
28 weeks and counting
I went to my 28 week Midwife appointment yesterday. On my list of things to discuss with her were my 2nd trimester bout of the blues, constipation, and when babies get into the head down position (34 weeks or so).
You see, I had a strong feeling in my stomach (pun intended) that this little guy was facing the wrong way. She checked him, and he indeed is head up. Of course, there is PLENTY of time for him to turn and face down. But, from my day to day experiences with him--he seems to like being head up.
This is one active baby though, and most days he is alert and moving like crazy from 4-11pm. The midwife thought that perhaps the placental positioning was causing me to feel more movement that usual. But, alas--its anterior which typically allows you to feel less movement.
I am grateful that the wee one allows me to sleep very well, most nights I only wake to pee once. My overall comfort level lately is good. I attribute the additional comfort to the wide variety of yoga pants that I have recently acquired and wear on a daily basis without shame. And the ever growing pillow palace I sleep with. My back is starting to feel the pressure of the added weight, but I am hoping to continue to do Yoga and Stroller Strides to help alleviate my aches and pains.
I passed both of my glucose tests, so I can rest easy that I won't have to struggle with gestational diabetes. The only test left is the Beta-Strep. And now we move onto appointments every 2 weeks with the midwife.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
summiting K2--Elliott's 2nd dental visit
We also have dental insurance that covers some of his visits, and found an incredible pediatric dentist. The office is designed for kids and adults alike. There is a coffee machine in the waiting area with latte's and all the fixins. There is a video game room, a TV area, and a play area for the little ones. Very comfortable and relaxing.
They give new patients an "I'm Special" sticker when they arrive. They are very friendly and allow the children to get comfortable with the tools and office equipment before the dentist comes in. They were careful to close the door when they heard other children crying. The dentist himself took some time to talk with Elliott directly before starting the exam.
Now the exam was something else all together for our wee lad. He was hysterical for the 5 minutes it may have taken for the dentist to look at his teeth. He was sweaty and stressed when it over. He didn't want to look at or talk with the dentist for a full 10 minutes while he counseled us on good dental health, positive eating habits, and strongly advised us to kick the pacifier habit. But, by the end, he said 'thank you' to the dentist and gave him a high five.
He didn't notice any problem area's except for the front 2 upper teeth, which we admittedly have trouble brushing. And the hygienist informed us that his upper lip was tightly affixed to the gums on the top and that may contribute to the challenge. They recommended we floss the upper 2 teeth, but that a traditional cleaning wasn't needed as there was no plaque.
The dentist informed us that he had all 20 of his baby teeth (which was news to me--I thought we were still waiting for his big molars to come in). Yes, I win the bad Mom award for the week. Hmm, perhaps that was why he was so sensitive when I was in charge of brushing his teeth... Now, I have a knot in my tummy for being not only a bad Mom, but an insensitive one as well. Well, on the bright side we are done with teething! Hooray for that.
Elliott had a less severe but still valiant meltdown when the hygienist brushed and flossed his teeth. But was much happier there as he got to pick out his tooth brush and a toy.
The dentist offered some good advice that I wanted to share with you, dear internet. We have tried just about everything we could to get Elliott to warm up to the idea of tooth brushing. He would throw K2 size tantrums when it came time to brush. We tried different locations to brush, letting him brush first, letting him brush our teeth, singing a song, silence during brushing, changing the time we brushed, getting new toothbrushes and toothpaste, letting him pick them out, a musical tooth brush, forcing him to brush through restraint, sticker charts (for many, many months), prizes for a completed sticker chart, stickers as rewards for brushing, and shamefully last: fear tactics of eminent cavities and threats of black teeth. Did I mention education in there also? We have several books about teeth, dental heath and good brushing habits.
So, the advice he gave was to sing the ABC's while brushing. He said the song is familiar, it lasts the correct amount of time, and there is a known end every time. He also suggested brushing with your child post-bath when they are the most relaxed and with them wrapped in a towel, so you can restrain their hands and arms. Lastly he said to get them in the habit of laying down to brush since this is how they will examine him at the dentist's office.
All and in, he scored a 94% on his dental report card which is far better than either of his parents scored on their latest visits with the dentist and hygienist. Next visit--6 months.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
3rd trimester jitters
The parenting part, while daunting in its uncertainty, doesn't worry me. I know that things will work out as they should. The gear planning part is what I was initially worried about. When should I put the car seat in? When should I start washing and organizing his clothes. Should I buy diapers now or later? What should I do to prepare Elliott for his arrival? What about the dog and cat?
I am also worried about who will take care of Elliott when I go into labor, or worse if I end up having to have another C-section. We don't have any family in San Diego, and my family rarely, if ever, comes to visit. The closest family we have is 3 hours away. What if I go into labor at night while he is sleeping--who do we call?
What do most people do in this situation? I struggle with the issue of asking for help. I have a large network of friends, but most have small children of their own, as well as careers to think about. I also have 2 friends that are pregnant at the same time as I am -- one is due 5 weeks before me and the other is due 5 weeks after. I cant ask them--they have enough to worry about. I also wouldn't want to leave Elliott with someone he barely knows, particularly during such a transitory time in his life.
I have mentioned in previous posts how very small our house is. Being just 2 bedrooms/1 bathroom and 1000 sq feet--having people stay here is a logistical challenge. And this applies spatially as well as personally for me. When there are things in my life that I can not control (a new baby, sleeplessness, a stir crazy toddler, things our of place, etc.), I struggle to ensure order around me-and that usually starts with my home. Often times this is an endless hopeless battle, but I still will try to fight it.
So many of the little details are now upon me. I need to start making decisions, rather than just pondering the what if's. Any suggestions or advice is welcome. De-lurk and add a comment!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I do my worst parenting when pregnant
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Striving for more or never satisfied?
I never took this as an insult. In fact, I always approached it as a positive part of my personality. I think that striving to be better, constantly wanting to improve on what you are, and working and looking towards future goals are all very admirable traits to possess.
I understand however that it isn't meant as a compliment. What they are really saying is that I am never happy with what I have and I cant ever be satisfied or appreciate the present. I am unable to stop, and be thankful. I can rarely be present because I am too busy looking ahead. I focus on what still needs to be done and not what has already been accomplished.
There are several parts about this situation that are difficult to address. The first is the basic differences in world views. How do you resolve something so ingrained in your personality with your spouse or loved ones? Being raised with HUGELY different parenting styles we both have traits and characteristics that compliment one another and also challenge one another.
My MIL is a role model for positive behavior. She has a knack for speaking only positive things, for making the best of each situation and for never vocalizing the negative. While it is often difficult to know how she really feels about something-it is very enjoyable and pleasant to spend time with her. My Mother on the other hand, has a special ability to be honest and forthcoming. She always speaks her mind and you know where you stand with her. She doesn't often take things personally and has a tough skin. Of course, her honesty is one sided, and can often hurt those who are more sensitive than she is.
So when resolving a marital issue--do you ask the other person to change (assuming that a person can change) and moreover is it fair to even ask them to? Do you accept this as part of their personality or do you work towards a common goal or compromise and if so, how and what?
Is this simply about perspective which can be resolved with a word choice. Is this about manipulating the words to affect the desired result. When you are comfortable speaking your mind, is it worth taking the few extra moments to pause and think about what you are going to say and how it will perceived; and potentially alter the phrasing. Or is that compromising your true self to satisfy others who have more fragile personalities.
In disagreements where both sides feel they are justified -- who is 'right' and how do you decide?
All of these are subjective, I know. Each relationship is unique and one can not possibly advise on how to resolve a situation like this for another person. I realize that I am asking questions that can not be answered by any another except the parties involved.
I also realize that when our words are hurting people we love, regardless of how or why, that we need to alter the phrasing and delivery.
So, what I am asking is that you provide suggestions for how you 'make the best' of situations even if they aren't going as planned. How do you see and vocalize the positive when the first thing you see is what is wrong, not what is right? How do you keep your mouth shut when something goes wrong, and look on the bright side? Is there a way to offer suggestions without sounding like you are criticizing the progress. For the ladies--how do you power through hormonal periods of your life and still remain positive and upbeat?
I hope that like parenting, if my arsenal is full of suggestions and ideas, then I can be better prepared to handle the pitfalls challenges when they arise. Being prepared is a good place to start.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wheat Intolerance
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Let's practice letting go, shall well?
Weakness and vulnerability have never been easy for me. I have often been called fiercely independent. This has worked in my favor for most of life; having left home when I was 14 years old, a girl needs to be strong. When I met my husband we clicked partly because we are both extremely independent and strong willed.
The down side of being uber independent is that any perceived weakness feels like I am open to vulnerability and I get protective over that space. Being vulnerable for me has always been a perceived weakness. Can you see where this is going...? Upon meeting the hubby though, he convinced me that allowing yourself to be emotionally vulnerable opened you up to people. These here blog entries have allowed me to be emotionally vulnerable without feeling weak or defensive. They have also allowed me to become more in touch with my feelings and have an easier time identifying them and sharing them.
What I wasn’t prepared for however, was my third trimester of pregnancy. I am actually only 24 weeks along and technically at the tail end of my second trimester, but I feel huge and my mobility and energy is becoming more limited. This decrease is physical abilities is tough for me. I don’t remember feeling this way the first time around, perhaps because I was working, and not chasing after a 25 month old. We had both a housekeeper and a gardener and our financial resources we far superior to now so we were eating out with frequency.
Whatever the reason, I am very touchy and sensitive about ‘keeping it together’ and ‘getting everything done’. Basically, I need to still be able to ‘do it all’ or I start to feel weak. And the cascade of emotions that occur if I feel like I am slipping or anyone critiques (perceived or real) my abilities…well, it is all over.
So, in preparation for baby#2 I am going to again practice letting go. Letting go of control, letting go of my obsessive need for order and balance, and letting go of my wretched need to ‘do it all’. Like all things that involve me and control—the best of luck.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Welcome to the family Ode!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
20 week check up
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
16 week check-up and related rants
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Where are we going, dear readers?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Race Log
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
14 week update
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Nuchal Translucency Screening
The test is put under the big header of the AFP test, but it is really 4 tests and they called it a Quad Screening. It involves 2 blood draws at different stages in the pregnancy, and an Ultrasound. Then they combine all of the results together to give you the odds of having a baby with a life threatening disease. The test is a screening test, but if the odds are high enough, you can opt for an Amnio to make a firm determination.
So long sickness
Then on Friday morning, I felt better. Saturday no morning sickness, Sunday the same. And since last week I have been feeling better and better. I was hesitant at first to say that the phase was over. But, it has been a week and while I still have a twinge of nausea, I feel vastly improved. I think that Thursday was the final hormone surge before tapering off.
The sweet, metallic, hyper saliva phase is almost over also (I was beginning to wonder if that would last my entire pregnancy). I still get a yuck-o taste in my mouth if I eat dairy products, yogurt in particular, but it's minute.
My patience level is better as well. I haven't been losing my tempter as much with Elliott, and in turn he has been behaving better. It is incredible how much children can perceive from their environment.
With the loss of the morning sickness I have gained an overall feeling of fatigue. One where no matter how much sleep or rest I get I still feel tired. Most days I can power through and just get things done. But, some days it is exhausting.
I feel very happy and finally feel at peace with being pregnant. With both pregnancies it seems to have taken me about until the 12th week to get used to the idea that I am knocked up.
My appetite is still strong, but the ravenous hunger I was experiencing has mellowed out as well. At my last appointment I had only gained 1 pound so far. I suspect she is calculating wrong, but I wasnt going to tell her.